
Bir Baba Hindu

The movie Bir Baba Hindu, produced by BKMOnline in Istanbul, is directed by Sermiyan Midyat.
A Turkish gangster falls in love with Indian yoga instructor Nicole Faria, and he travels to India to pursue his love.

Among the actors in the movie are Safak Sezer, Burak Satibol, FüsunDemirel, Begüm Oner and Zeynep Kankonde from Turkey. A mega film production with Wild Baba Productions brought them to India. A challenging project, the Bir Baba Hindu film was filmed in India by Wild Baba Productions, a service company and line production company.
Throughout the scripting process, we showed the director the best locations and casting for their video production of feature films in India.

There were 40 people including cast and crew from Istanbul who came to India for filming. Wild Baba assisted Sermiyan as a Local Producer in assembling the right team.
Filming took place in Mumbai, India and outside of the city over a 30-day period, and we made sure production proceeded smoothly and was enjoyable… Having worked with international crews for many years, the Indian counterpart crew was able to make the production run smoothly. A large number of sets were created, from palaces to offices, action shots on the street and more Cinemas and OTT channels aired the film with overwhelming success.

We are pleased to welcome all filmmakers planning to shoot in India to Wild Baba Productions. In case you have a script or a breakdown of the project, we will be glad to assist you with film production services in India. It will be a pleasure to see you smiling with happy memories, meet new friends and see you again for the Wild Baba film shoot in India.

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